Top 10 Manga for Japanese Language Learners: From Beginners to Intermediates!
If you're learning Japanese, chances are you're interested in manga. So instead of reading texts about Tanaka-san sending a fax to his colleague Taro-san in your Japanese textbook, practice your reading on something you actually like! And manga is a fantastic tool for beginners in Japanese, given that you already know your hiragana and katakana chart and have studied common kanji like the JLPT N5 kanji.
In this article, we've handpicked 10 easy manga to read in Japanese. And we also included our secret tip as a bonus: the best way to practice Japanese with manga, especially for beginners.
From heartwarming stories to captivating adventures, there's something for everyone:
1. 『よつばと!(Yotsuba&!)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: Follow the everyday adventures of a cheerful and energetic little girl named Yotsuba. With cute drawings, simple dialogue and everyday scenarios, it's perfect for beginners. And all Kanji in Yotsuba have furigana, making it easy to read even if your kanji skills are still nascent.
- Available here: Amazon.com
2. 『しろくまカフェ (Shirokuma Cafe)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: A slice-of-life series set in a café run by a polar bear. The manga features basic vocabulary and is filled with animal-related puns, making it both educational and fun.
- Available here: Amazon.com
3. 『ドラえもん (Doraemon)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: Join Nobita and his robot cat, Doraemon, in their sci-fi adventures. The manga uses simple language and is a great introduction to Japanese culture. Indeed, Doraemon is one of the most popular manga of all time in Japan, and still today you will find many Doraemon goodies in everyday life, or references in shows, manga, or series.
- Available here: Amazon.com
4. 『ちびまる子ちゃん (Chibi Maruko Chan)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: Experience the relatable, everyday life of a young girl named Maruko. Its use of common expressions makes it ideal for beginners.
- Available here: Amazon.com
5. 『こぐまのクーク物語 (Koguma's Cake Shop)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: This heartwarming story about a bear running a cake shop uses simple language and introduces common baking terms.
- Available here: Amazon.com
6. 『からかい上手の高木さん (Teasing Master Takagi-san)』
- Level: Beginner
- Plot: A sweet and innocent story of a schoolgirl, Takagi, who loves to tease her classmate. The dialogues are simple, making it suitable for beginners.
- Available here: Amazon.com
7. 『あたしンち (Atashin'chi)』
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- Plot: A comedic portrayal of a Japanese family’s daily life. It's great for learners transitioning from beginner to intermediate.
- Available here: Amazon.com
8. 『日常 (Nichijou)』
- Level: Intermediate
- Plot: A surreal take on everyday life, this manga is filled with humorous and bizarre events. Suitable for those with a basic grasp of Japanese.
- Available here: Amazon.com
9. 『夏目友人帳 (Natsume's Book of Friends)』
- Level: Intermediate
- Plot: This touching series about a boy who can see spirits offers a richer vocabulary and more complex sentences, ideal for intermediate learners.
- Available here: Amazon.com
10. 『ワンピース (One Piece)』
- Level: Intermediate
- Plot: Dive into the adventures of Luffy and his crew. With its mix of simple and complex language, it's a great choice for learners looking to challenge themselves.
- Available here: Amazon.com
11. 『Bonus: any manga you've already read in your native language』
- Level: Beginner to Intermediate
- This is our secret tip: The most efficient and enjoyable way to practice Japanese reading is by reading a manga you've already read or watch in your native language. This way you know you'll enjoy the story, and you already know the plot and every character's personality, making it much easier to understand. You'll be able to infer the meaning of words ("Does that word mean 'kill' or 'help'?") you don't know much more easily. And missing a word or two in a sentence won't make you lose the thread of the plot.
- Ideal candidates: Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, One-Punch Man, Demon Slayer, My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, and other popular shonen.
- Advanced level: some manga might be complicated to understand even if you've already read them in your native language. These include Detective Conan, Death Note, Attack on Titan, Jujutsu Kaisen, Gintama (the puns are always hard to understand), Hunter x Hunter, etc.
One Last Tip
When reading a manga in Japanese, you’ll often come across words you’ve already learned but, for some reason, can’t recall. It happens all the time—it’s just part of the learning process. But what really helps in these moments—and can supercharge your progress—is having a vocabulary or kanji study resource within reach. That way, you can quickly look up what you’ve forgotten and reinforce your learning.
At Hirakan, we’ve created two products to make this easier.
- Our N5 Vocabulary Poster features 748 beginner-level words, making it the perfect companion for your reading practice or simply for keeping Japanese vocabulary in sight at all times.
👉 Check out the Vocabulary Poster
- The N5 Kanji Poster includes all 112 kanji necessary for JLPT N5. Hang it on your wall to easily study kanji every day, without even opening an app or textbook:
👉 Take a look at the poster here.
Now you have your list of the top easy manga to learn Japanese. Manga is such an underrated tool to immerse yourself in Japanese language and culture. Whether you're just starting out or leveling up your skills, these titles will not only enhance your reading ability but also keep you entertained. Happy reading, and 頑張ってください (ganbatte kudasai)!
- You might also like: The Best YouTube Channels to Learn Japanese
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