JLPT N5 Kanji List - All 112 Characters You Need To Know
Below we've listed all 112 JLPT N5 level kanji along with their English meaning, readings, and two accompanying vocabulary words using the kanji.
But Wait, What's JLPT N5?
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is the gold standard of Japanese language proficiency, recognized worldwide. As the first significant milestone in this journey, the JLPT N5 test is your ticket to showcasing your growing command of the language. By mastering the JLPT N5 kanji, you'll have a solid foundation to engage with basic Japanese texts and conversations.
In JLPT N5, kanji holds its own. The test assesses your ability to understand and use the kanji in various contexts. Moreover, understanding kanji opens up a world of vocabulary, boosting your reading comprehension and communication skills.
How Many Kanji For JLPT N5?
You'll be disappointed, but there's no official answer. The JLPT official organizers do not say how many kanji will be in the test, or which ones. But usually, it's around 80 to 100 kanji.
In our JLPT N5 Kanji list below, we've included 112 kanji characters. Why 112 and not 80 or 100? Well, as we mentioned the JLPT doesn't mention which kanji will be included. Some kanji can be included in a year, not in the next one. And vice-versa.
With 112 kanji, you should be covered for all eventualities.
All kanjis included in the list are beginner-level, and you will find them in a lot of very common vocabulary words. Actually after learning all these 112 kanji, you should be able to read around 30% of all Japanese texts!
How to Read Kanji: Onyomi and Kunyomi Readings
Learning the meaning of each kanji is a first step, but you need to learn their readings if you want to be able to... well, read. Each kanji character has two types of readings: Onyomi (Chinese-based) and Kunyomi (Japanese-based).
1. Onyomi reading
Onyomi refers to the Chinese-based readings of kanji characters. These readings were adopted from the original Chinese pronunciations when the characters were introduced to Japan. Onyomi readings are used when kanji appear together.
- 休日 --> 休 is read きゅう, and 日 is read じつ --> きゅうじつ = holiday
- 電車 --> 電 is read でん, and 車 is read しゃ --> でんしゃ = train
2. Kunyomi reading
Kunyomi refers to the native Japanese readings of kanji characters. These readings are used when kanji characters appear on their own (or with hiragana).
In the Kunyomi column in the table below, the hiragana characters in brackets stay as hiragana, whereas the rest of the word is usually written in kanji.
- ひと(つ) --> 一つ = one thing
- た(べる) --> 食べる = to eat
Tips for Kanji Memorization
We're not going to lie... Learning kanji will take time. But it's doable. Repetition and consistency are key when learning kanji. Here are some helpful tips:
- Consistent Practice: Make kanji practice a daily habit. The more you see and use these characters, the more they will stick. Use something like our N5 Kanji poster to keep them in front of your eyes and easily review them throughout the day.
- Flashcards: Flashcards are great to test your memorization of kanji meanings and readings. We recommend Wanikani.
- Writing Practice: Nowadays with technology all around us, learning how to write kanji is not an obligation anymore. But writing kanji by hand can help solidify your memory. You can find cheap kanji writing notebooks with a nice design on Amazon.
The Ultimate JLPT N5 Kanji List
Finally, what you've been waiting for. Here are the 112 kanji you need to learn for the JLPT N5.
We've arranged the kanji list by category, making it easier to group and remember characters with related meanings.
Plus, we've included Onyomi and Kunyomi readings along with vocabulary for each character to give you a well-rounded understanding:
Kanji related to Numbers
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
一 | One | いち ichi |
ひと(つ) hito(tsu) |
一人 hitori (one person, alone) |
二 | Two | に ni |
ふた(つ) futa(tsu) |
二人 futari (two people) |
三 | Three | さん san |
み(っつ) mi(ttsu) |
三日 mikka (3rd day of the month) |
四 | Four | し shi |
よ(っつ), よん yo(ttsu), yon |
四日 yokka (4th day of the month) |
五 | Five | ご go |
いつ(つ) itsu(tsu) |
五日 itsuka (5th day of the month) |
六 | Six | ろく roku |
む(っつ)、むい mu(ttsu), mui |
六日 muika (6th day of the month) |
七 | Seven | しち shichi |
なな(つ), なな nana(tsu), nana |
七日 nanoka (7th day of the month) |
八 | Eight | はち hachi |
や(っつ), よう ya(ttsu), you |
八日 youka (8th day of the month) |
九 | Nine | きゅう, く kyuu, ku |
ここの(つ) kokono(tsu) |
九日 kokonoka (9th day of the month) |
十 | Ten | じゅう juu |
とう, とお tou, too |
十日 tooka (10th day of the month) |
百 | Hundred | ひゃく hyaku |
— | 百円 hyakuen (100 yen) |
五 | Five | ご go |
いつ(つ) itsu(tsu) |
五日 itsuka (5th day of the month) |
千 | Thousand | せん sen |
ち chi |
千円、千葉県 senen, chibaken (1,000 yen), (Chiba prefecture) |
万 | Ten thousand | まん man |
— | 一万円、万年筆 ichimanen, mannenpitsu (10,000 yen), (fountain pen) |
億 | Hundred-million | おく oku |
ー | 一億円 ichiokuen (100,000,000 yen) |
Kanji related to Time
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
日 | Day, sun | にち, じつ nichi, jitsu |
ひ, か hi, ka |
日曜日、休日 nichiyoubi, kyuujitsu (Sunday), (holiday) |
週 | Week | しゅう shuu |
— | 来週、週末 raishuu, shuumatsu (next week), (weekend) |
月 | Month, moon | げつ, がつ getsu, gatsu |
つき tsuki |
月、月曜日 tsuki, getsuyoubi (moon), (Monday) |
年 | Year | ねん nen |
とし toshi |
今年、去年 kotoshi, kyonen (this year), (last year) |
時 | Time, hour | じ ji |
とき toki |
何時、時々 nanji, tokidoki (what time), (sometimes) |
間 | Interval | かん kan |
あいだ, ま aida, ma |
時間 jikan (time) |
分 | Minute, part, understand | ぶん, ふん, ぶ bun, fun, bu |
わ(かる) wa(karu) |
2分、 自分、 分かる nifun, jibun, wakaru (two minutes), (oneself), (to understand) |
午 | Noon | ご go |
ご | 午前 gozen (morning, A.M.) |
前 | Before | ぜん zen |
まえ mae |
前回、駅前 zenkai, ekimae (last time), (front of the station) |
後 | After | ご, こう go, kou |
あと, うし ato, ushi |
後で、後ろ atode, ushiro (after), (behind) |
今 | Now | こん kon |
いま ima |
今回、今 konkai, ima (this time), (now) |
先 | Previous | せん sen |
さき saki |
先週、先生 senshuu, sensei (last week), (teacher) |
来 | Next, come | らい rai |
く(る) ku(ru) |
来月、来る raigetsu, kuru (next month), (to come) |
毎 | Every | まい mai |
ごと goto |
毎日 mainichi (every day) |
Kanji related to People, Places, & Things
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
人 | Person | じん, にん jin, nin |
ひと hito |
アメリカ人、外人 amerikajin, gaijin (American person), (foreigner) |
男 | Man | だん, なん dan, nan |
おとこ otoko |
男の子、男性 otokonoko, dansei (boy), (male) |
女 | Woman | じょ jo |
おんな onna |
女の子、女性 onnanoko, josei (girl), (female) |
子 | Child | し shi |
こ ko |
子供、菓子屋 kodomo, kashiya (child), (kashiya) |
母 | Mother | ぼ bo |
はは haha |
母 haha (mother) |
父 | Father | ふ fu |
ちち chichi |
父 chichi (father) |
友 | Friend | ゆう yuu |
とも tomo |
友達 tomodachi (friend) |
本 | Book, Origin | ほん hon |
もと moto |
日本、本当 nihon, hontou (Japan), (reality) |
気 | Spirit | き ki |
— | 元気 genki (lively, fine) |
生 | Life | せい, しょう sei, shou |
い(きる), う(まれる) i(kiru), u(mareru) |
生徒、生きる seito, ikiru (pupil), (to live) |
車 | Car | しゃ sha |
くるま kuruma |
車、電車 kuruma, densha (car), (train) |
語 | Language | ご go |
かた(る) kata(ru) |
英語、日本語 eigo, nihongo (English), (Japanese) |
耳 | Ear | じ ji |
みみ mimi |
耳 mimi (ear) |
手 | Hand | しゅ shu |
て te |
手紙、選手 tegami, senshu (letter), (athlete) |
足 | Foot | そく soku |
あし、た(す) ashi, ta(su) |
足 ashi (foot) |
目 | Eye | もく moku |
め me |
目 me (eye) |
口 | Mouth | こう kou |
くち kuchi |
入り口 iriguchi (entrance) |
店 | Shop | てん ten |
みせ mise |
喫茶店 kissaten (coffee shop) |
駅 | Station | えき eki |
— | 駅弁 ekiben (station bento) |
道 | Street | どう dou |
みち michi |
道、道具 michi, dougu (road), (tool) |
国 | Country | こく koku |
くに kuni |
国、外国 kuni, gaikoku (country), (foreign) |
学 | Study | がく gaku |
まな(ぶ) mana(bu) |
大学、学ぶ daigaku, manabu (university), (to learn) |
校 | School | こう kou |
— | 学校 gakkou (school) |
名 | Name | めい, みょう mei, myou |
な na |
名前 namae (name) |
円 | Yen, circle | えん en |
まる(い) maru(i) |
円い marui (round) |
半 | Half | はん han |
なか(ば) naka(ba) |
半分 hanbun (half) |
全 | All | ぜん zen |
まった(く), すべて matta(ku), sube(te) |
全然、全く zenzen, mattaku (completely, not at all), (really) |
何 | What | か ka |
なん, なに nan, nani |
何、何日 nani, nannichi (what), (what day) |
Kanji related to Nature & Directions
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
火 | Fire | か ka |
ひ hi |
火、火曜日 hi, kayoubi (fire), (Tuesday) |
水 | Water | すい sui |
みず mizu |
水、水曜日 mizu, suiyoubi (water), (Wednesday) |
木 | Tree | もく moku |
き ki |
木、木曜日 ki, mokuyoubi (tree), (Thursday) |
金 | Money, gold | きん kin |
かね kane |
金、金曜日 kane, kinyoubi (money), (Friday) |
土 | Earth | ど, to | つち tsuchi |
土地、土曜日 tochi, doyoubi (land), (Saturday) |
海 | Sea | かい kai |
うみ umi |
海、海外 umi, kaigai (sea), (overseas) |
川 | River | せん sen |
かわ kawa |
川 kawa (river) |
山 | Mountain | さん san |
やま yama |
山、富士山 yama, fujisan (mountain), (Mt Fuji) |
花 | Flower | か ka |
はな hana |
花火、花粉症 hanabi, kafunshou (fireworks), (hay fever) |
天 | Heaven | てん ten |
あめ, あま ame, ama |
天気 tenki (weather) |
空 | Sky, empty | くう kuu |
そら, あける sora, a(keru) |
空、空港 sora, kuukou (sky), (airport) |
晴 | Sunny | せい sei |
は(れ) ha(re) |
晴れ hare (sunny) |
雨 | Rain | う u |
あめ ame |
雨 ame (rain) |
雪 | Snow | せつ setsu |
ゆき yuki |
雪 yuki (snow) |
雲 | Cloud | うん un |
くも kumo |
曇り kumori (cloudy) |
風 | Wind | ふう fuu |
かぜ kaze |
風、台風 kaze, taifuu (wind), (taiphoon) |
電 | Electricity | でん den |
— | 電気 denki (electricity) |
外 | Outside | がい gai |
そと,はず(れる) soto, hazu(reru) |
外、外国 soto, gaikoku (outside), (foreign country) |
内 | Inside | ない nai |
うち uchi |
内、車内 uchi, shanai (inside), (inside the car/train) |
上 | Above | じょう jou |
うえ, あ(げる) ue, a(geru) |
上、上手 ue, jouzu (above), (good at) |
下 | Below | か, げ ka, ge |
した、く(だる) shita, ku(daru) |
下、下さい shita, kudasai (below), (please) |
右 | Right | ゆう yuu |
みぎ migi |
右 migi (right) |
左 | Left | さ sa |
ひだり hidari |
左 hidari (left) |
中 | Middle | ちゅう, じゅう chuu, juu |
なか naka |
中、中学校 naka, chuugakkou (middle, in), (junior high school) |
北 | North | ほく | きた kita |
北 kita (north) |
西 | West | せい, さい sei, sai |
にし nishi |
西 nishi (west) |
東 | East | とう tou |
ひがし higashi |
東、東京 higashi, toukyou (East), (Tokyo) |
南 | South | なん nan |
みなみ minami |
南 minami (south) |
Kanji related to Verbs
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
見 | See | けん ken |
み(る) mi(ru) |
見る、見せる miru, miseru (to see), (to show) |
聞 | Hear | もん, ぶん mon, bun |
き(く) ki(ku) |
聞く kiku (to listen, to hear) |
書 | Write | しょ jo |
か(く) ka(ku) |
書く、辞書 kaku, jisho (to write), (dictionary) |
言 | Say | げん gen |
い(う) i(u) |
言う iu (to say) |
話 | Talk | わ wa |
はなし, はな(す) hanashi, hana(su) |
話す、電話 hanasu, denwa (to talk), (telephone) |
読 | Read | どく doku |
よ(む) yo(mu) |
読む yomu (to read) |
行 | Go | こう kou |
い(く), おこな(う) i(ku), okona(u) |
行く、銀行 iku, ginkou (to go), (bank) |
買 | Buy | ばい bai |
か(う) ka(u) |
買う、買い物 kau, kaimono (to buy), (shopping) |
出 | Exit | しゅつ shuu |
で(る), だ(す) de(ru), da(su) |
出る、出口 deru, deguchi (to exit), (exit) |
入 | Enter, put in | にゅう nyuu |
はい(る), い(れる) hai(ru), i(reru) |
入る、立ち入り禁止 (to enter), (no entry) |
食 | Eat | しょく shoku |
た(べる) ta(beru) |
食べる、食事 taberu, shokuji (to eat), (meal) |
飲 | Drink | いん in |
の(む) no(mu) |
飲む、飲み物 nomu, nomimono (to drink), (beverage) |
休 | Rest | きゅう kyuu |
やす(む), やす(み) yasu(mu), yasu(mi) |
休む、休日 yasumu, kyuujitsu (to rest), (holiday) |
会 | Meet | かい kai |
あ(う) a(u) |
会う、会社 au, kaisha (to meet), (company) |
Kanji related to Adjectives
Kanji | Meaning | Onyomi | Kunyomi | Vocabulary |
多 | A lot | た ta |
おお(い) oo(i) |
多い、多分 ooi, tabun (many), (probably) |
少 | A little | しょう shou |
すこ(し), すく(ない) suko(shi), suku(nai) |
少し sukoshi (a little) |
古 | Old | こ ko |
ふる(い) furu(i) |
古い furui (old) |
新 | New | しん shin |
あたら(しい) atara(shii) |
新しい、新聞 atarashii, shinbun (new), (newspaper) |
大 | Big | だい, たい dai, tai |
おお(きい) oo(kii) |
大きい、大変 ookii, taihen (big), (very, terribly) |
小 | Small | しょう shou |
ちい(さい)、こ chii(sai), ko |
小さい chiisai (small) |
長 | Long, leader | ちょう chou |
なが(い) naga(i) |
長い、部長 nagai, buchou (long), (manager) |
短 | Short | たん tan |
みじか(い) mijika(i) |
短い mijikai (short) |
遠 | Far | えん en |
とお(い) too(i) |
遠い tooi (far) |
近 | Near | きん, こん kin, kon |
ちか(い) chika(i) |
近い、近く chikai, chikaku (close), (near) |
白 | White | はく haku |
しろ, しろ(い) shiro, shiro(i) |
白い、面白い shiroi, omoshiroi (white), (interesting) |
黒 | Black | こく koku |
くろ、くろ(い) kuro, kuro(i) |
黒、真っ黒 kuro, makkuro (black), (pitch black) |
高 | Expensive, high | こう kou |
たか(い) taka(i) |
高い takai (expensive, tall) |
安 | Cheap, safety | あん an |
やす(い) yasu(i) |
安い、安心 yasui, anshin (cheap), (relief) |
So there you have it, the complete list of JLPT N5 kanji. Remember, learning kanji is difficult, for sure. But it's also very rewarding. You'll see yourself being to read more and more materials, like manga in Japanese. What was gibberish before will slowly start to make sense and become natural. So don't give up, be consistent, use the resources at hand like our N5 Kanji Poster, and happy studying!
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